Friday, August 29, 2003

Welcome to Canada - once again for concientious American freedom fighters?
The deGaulle Project
Today in the United States, massive, so-called "legal" violations of civil liberties and constitutional rights have caused many loyal Americans to question whether staying in their country under the current regime is a wise idea.

Americans who love their country, and who see the frightening creep of George W. Bush and John Ashcroft's totalitarianism, should disregard the "love it or leave it" rhetoric and think long and hard whether you should stay in an unstable political environment, or retreat to a safe area and regroup for the liberation fight.

Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Foreign Policy: Addicted to Failure
The United States' leading critic of prohibitionist drug policies,
Ethan Nadelmann of the Drug Policy Alliance, has published an explosive proposal in the summer 2003 issue Foreign Policy magazine.

"Rather than continuing to wait for a regional partnership that exists in communiqué form only, Latin America must begin to act in its own best interest," writes Nadelmann. "It can start by disentangling itself from the unwinnable war on drugs."

Excellent source of information from Latin America is The Narco News

Part I of a series of article on "Reform and Democracy from Above and Below" in Argentina

Visit the Coca Museum This site "spotlights an incredible war:....
humans against a plant..!!!!!"

Friday, August 22, 2003

Stalemate in the Drug War George Shultz, former US Secretary of State, has "warned that the global war on drugs is now causing more harm than drug abuse itself."

Now that Arnold has George in his corner for the gubenatorial fight in California, it is a great opportunity to pin him down on policy regarding the war-on-drugs.

If Shultz could be encouraged/put on the spot to give an anti-war-on-drugs statement at this time, it could potentially get large coverage. Here's hoping California harm reductionists flood Arnold/George at press conferences, etc. and bring some sanity to an otherwise silly spectacle.

Thursday, August 21, 2003

Drug WarRant
There's a war going on. It destroys lives and families, spawns violence, suspends civil liberties, tramples on the infirm, locks up millions of peaceful citizens, costs billions, and subjugates reason with fear. This blog looks at the front lines of the drug war, with news, analysis, and the occasional rant.

Another excellent blog eloquently speaking out against the inhumane War Against Some Drugs is Last One Speaks

Sudents for a Sane Drug Policy Good trend which I hope we see more of is students organizing against the absurdities of the current drug policies. Definitely some Canadian contribution, but certainly a real need to get harm reduction onto the university agenda in Canada.

Monday, August 18, 2003

stripcreator I like this site. I really like Exploding Dog - ah, lovely - such emotion in MSpaint.

Monday, August 04, 2003

The Canadian Harm Reduction Network Want to find the low down on the new pot possession laws in Canada? Or North America's first safe injection site for hard drug users? This is the place to go.
The war on drug users rages still... but freedom and justice will one day prevail. Survive through these dark days...


Read a funny quote today:

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as
kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills
and listening to repetitive electronic music." - Kristian Wilson,
Nintendo, Inc, 1989

Come to think of it, I did play a few games of Pac-Man while hanging out in malls casing Brink's Trucks while conspiring to pull off a big score. But I preferred Galaga.

I'm finding the elitism evident in Day of Defeat servers of late completely boring, and demoralizing. There's nothing that turns off my interest in playing than being in a server full of jerks who brag about winning, and get off on laughing about each and every kill. To qualtify some evidence of community deterioration, I kept an informal record of the number of "gg" written at map changes, and it is abismally low. Roughly 25% bother writing "gg" any more. Ah... the good old days, when people actually enjoyed playing for playing's sake.

There's something to be said for the newness of a game. I've had a few fun times playing Underworld:Bloodlines. Designed as a movie promo, it is a complete mod for the HL engine. It's free, it's quite simple, and it is well-set for teamplay if the objective is to be accomplished. I kind of gag at the thought of even virtually locking a free creature into a jail cell, but if you're able to find any teammates who've also read the manual, then they too will know that's the objective. Hint: find the Hybrid and return 'em to your spawn's jail cell. Hybrids hang out in Bars and Resturants. And... Toot, toot!!!! watch out you don't get squashed over by the train... LOL. Unless you want to be called nOOb! by all and assundry.

In case you've been mezmerized by patriotic drivel, back in the real world: SOLDIERS DIE FOR REAL!!!
Neat flash video called Army of One (fantastic Cranberries tune accompanies) It is bizarre how media were embedded with the troops, and this Iraq War is called the most media covered ever, and yet the amount of blood that's appeared on the tube is less than in Saturday morning cartoons. With all that coverage, the dead are still just lifeless statistics. So much for reality television... er, not.