U.S. Government profits from drug trafficers paying to avoid prosecution. They were hoping to keep this cozy arrangement secret. Haha, no such luck this time. See full story in The NarcoSphere
I've played against some younger kids who're pretty amazing. No doubt one day I'll be kicking myself in the butt that I didn't go the manager route and sign 'em up on exclusive contracts. Ah, the opportunities missed!
Although on a serious note, I've been fantasizing for years about one day retiring to an old folks' home with an awesome LAN room. I won't let the kids put me in any home but one that has such a facility.
I'm an avid gamer; well, an avid first person shooter gamer. I also quite enjoy a spot-on game of football - no not the NFL or CFL - rather the beautiful game! You know, soccer... football!